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Other Support

Other Support

Menopause Awareness Raising Service

A service working with organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland to:

  • Raise awareness and understanding of the menopause
  • Create a culture where everyone is menopause aware

Organisations that are interested in the above can be supported to:

  • Have a meaningful menopause policy in place
  • Train and support Menopause Champions across their organisation

To get this free support, contact: menopauseaware@ageukleics.org.uk

Mental Health Courses - Adult GoLearn

Our Adult GoLearn service at Leicestershire County Council are able to offer organisations a number of Mental Health Targeted Courses including but not limited to:

  • Sleep and Wellbeing
  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Understanding Stress and Resilience
  • 5 Ways to Wellbeing

You can see the full list here.

All sessions are 2 hours long and have a fixed cost of £124 per session, regardless of the number of learners.

To get this support, contact: healthyworkplaces@leics.gov.uk

CPR and Defibrillator Familiarisation Training

A free familiarisation awareness raising session covering CPR and defibrillators.

The session lasts 1-hour, and individuals get the chance to see a defibrillator in action and have a go at CPR if you would like to, or just watch a demonstration.

To get this free support, contact: communitytrainer@emas.nhs.uk

Can Your Money Bring You Happiness? - Free Course

Our Multiply Team are able to offer organisations fully funded access to their "Can Your Money Bring you Happiness?" course.

The course is split into 2 sessions:

  1. "What are your priorities in life?" - focussing on budgeting and savings
  2. Case Studies and Action Planning - with discussions about possible changes

Each session typically lasts 1.5 hours, and ideally organisations would have a minimum of 6 learners per course.

As this is a Multiply course, learners must be 19+ and the majority must not have a GCSE at grade C/4.

For more information, contact multiply@leics.gov.uk